Attention ADHDers! This FREE 1-Hour Exclusive Workshop Reveals…

How To Create Ease in your Chaotic ADHD World

Without adding more **** to your to-do list

Date: Dec 17th, 2023 | Time: 3:00-4:00 PM

Join us for this LIVE Workshop…

And learn how you can build a life working with your ADHD brain

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In This FREE Workshop…

You Will Learn...

Remember, you can and I’ll show you exactly how to do it in this Workshop.

Who This Workshop Is Really For

This is For YOU if…

  • If YOU want to experience more ease in your life!
  • If YOU have ADHD (or think you may have ADHD) and you want to learn how to work WITH your brain instead of against it!
  • If YOU are feeling overwhelmed and are just incredibly tired with life right now!

This is NOT For YOU if..

  • If you are comfortable with where you are and don’t want to grow.
  • If you are happy to complain and not make any changes.
  • If you have no interest in seeing your ADHD as something other than a disorder.

If you’re ready to take things to the next level and learn how you can build a life working with your ADHD brain, then you get to be in this FREE Workshop!

An Important Message From Your Instructor, Jess DuBose...

I'm Taking Years Of Experience & Giving You My Exact Blueprint ToCreate Ease in your Chaotic ADHD World

"7 years ago, I was going through a divorce, halfway across the world away from all of my family and friends. Today, I run my own business and experience great amounts of peace and freedom"

Hey there,

My name is Jess DuBose and I don't say the above to brag, but to show you that I've been where you are my friend.

I know what it feels like to not be able to Make Your Life Easier…

And after years of dealing with that…

I figured out the secret that changed everything for me…

To the point that today…

✅ I have learned how to shift from internal chaos to internal peace.…

✅ I have worked with dozens of ADHDers to help them learn how their ADHD can work FOR them instead of working against them.…

✅ I have helped hundreds of people learn how to relieve stress and worry.…

And I’m inviting YOU and a group of amazing people to join me in this FREE 1-Hour Workshop to learn exactly how I got here…

And how YOU can too!

Jess DuBose

Jess DuBose lives in Portland, Oregon with her tuxedo cat, Eli. She "collects ADHDers" as she likes to put it. Her professor in college conducted an ADHD simulation and at the end of it he said, "It's not that they (people with ADHD) can't pay attention, it's that they pay attention to everything." Since then, Jess has been fascinated with the ADHD brain and has been a sponge learning all about it. She has been married to, lived with and has many friends with ADHD.

Testimonials From ADHDers Just Like YOU ...

Hear What They Have To Say